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Spring Planting Border
  • May 2024
  • Andrew Jordan

Garden Jobs in May

List of jobs to do in the garden in the month of May. What to plant, what to prune and train, what to sow and other garden maintenance jobs.

There are plenty of jobs to do this month

  • Protect plants if night frosts are forecast.
  • Water plants that need it regularly.
  • Prune spring-flowering shrubs that have finished flowering.
  • Take softwood cuttings of shrubs.
  • Lightly trim box and other formal hedging.
  • Prune Clematis montana after flowering.
  • Take cuttings from herbaceous perennials.
  • Clear pots and containers for summer plants.
  • Pinch out shoots on grapevines.
  • Cut back and divide spring-flowering perennials.
  • Plant out dahlias at the end of the month.
  • Protect young plants from slugs.
  • Clear out spring bedding, and begin hardening off summer bedding plants.
  • Feed fish regularly, and also give a special aquatic fertiliser to water plants.
  • Feed and weed lawns to encourage good growth, as well as mowing regularly.
  • Sow and plant tender vegetables at the end of the month.
  • Protect crops from carrot fly.
  • Continue successional sowing of vegetables.
  • Remove all frost protection from fruit trees and start pruning trained plums and cherries.
  • Ventilate greenhouses and conservatories.
  • Last chance to sow or turf new lawns before it gets too dry.
  • Finish planting evergreen shrubs.
  • Inspect plants regularly for signs of pests and diseases, and nip potential problems in the bud.
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